17th March 2020
Shine 2020 and Covid-19

Further to my last post, things have moved on apace in our national response to the Covid-19 virus crisis.
In view of the strong possibility that schools may be closed in the near future for at least a few weeks, I understand that entering the Shine competition may not be top of your priorities. However, during these exceptional circumstances we will be accepting all entries as pdf files, even if they are unfinished.
We still plan to hold the ceremony at the end of June, but of course this could change and we will keep you updated as and when the situation changes. But we will still be judging the entries and we will still be awarding prizes, so please do send in those entries!
In the meantime, the birds are singing and Spring is happening despite all our concerns, so keep well and enjoy the sun when it shines.
As ever, get in touch on email via shine@stationers.org
Keep well!
Alison Strachan
Chair of Shine