22nd September 2020
An introduction to Shine for new schools

The Shine School Media Awards is a national school magazine competition which is free to enter and offers you and your pupils the opportunity to reap great dividends in further education applications and future careers.
Overseeing a pupil-led school magazine or newspaper will enhance a teacher’s CPD and the benefits for participating students are huge. Shine’s competition is judged by industry leaders from the communications industries, such as Google, City University, The Daily Mail, Hearst Corporation and Picon. Your school and your pupils could win prizes of work experience and workshops that could lead to real employment.
But I don’t have time for this!
We understand that your extra-curricular time is already pushed to the limit, but we offer advice and help in how to set up a publication – advice that comes directly from teachers, journalists and designers. We will be offering workshops to Hub meetings across the country this coming year, and our website is constantly updated with helpful tips.
Is it worth it the effort?
The satisfaction of making something by working as a team is invaluable to your pupils, and can offer opportunities of self-expression to those who may otherwise be underwhelmed by the curriculum. It could be a winning photograph, a newly discovered ability to design a front page or funny headline, a cartoon or artwork, a seminal feature. Give them the tools and framework to create and express themselves and let them work together. Over our 10 year history we have witnessed extraordinary talent and dedication from the most challenged schools to the most privileged.
OK – how do I find out more?
To find out more about Shine, register here for 2021
If you would like to ask any questions, contact us on shine@stationers.org.
Act now, and we will help you along the way – you and your pupils could be coming to London next summer for a fabulous glitzy awards ceremony!
Look forward to hearing from you,
Alison Strachan
Chair of Shine