19th October 2023
Help your students cover difficult subjects

Hello again,
Faced with a complicated, shocking global news story, how do reporters give an accurate account of events in such a way that stunned readers can both understand what’s happening in real time and reach a judgment about who’s to blame?
School magazines, podcasts and newspapers often appear weeks after a news event has happened, which gives rookie journalists a degree of space, time and detachment not afforded to those at the whim of the 24-hour news cycle. The benefit of this is that it means students can decipher truth from disinformation, double-check all their sources, and present both sides of the story.
Objectivity and impartiality are at the heart of good journalism. “Our business is to present our audiences with the facts, and let them make up their own minds”, BBC World Affairs Editor John Simpson said last week.
The Shine School Media Awards recognises students who go the extra mile to understand complex issues and present stories in a gripping and different way. They can be global or local: these stories don’t have to be wars in another country, but could tell a story of injustice that is unfolding right on their doorstep; perhaps tragedy or triumph within their own family.
Students can be inventive with our award categories too: the story could be eligible for any number of awards – but Best Feature Writer, Best Podcast or Best Cartoon come to mind as great places to start.
Understanding every side of an argument, telling a story, seeing an opportunity to present events through their own lens. That’s the way to win a Shine Award.
As ever, if you have any questions about Shine or would like to get in an early project registration, email us at shine@stationers.org
Til next time,
Shine Chair