8th March 2019
Our 2019 Entry Form
We’ve heard a lot this year from new schools across the UK keen to enter Shine 2019.
However we’re really keen that old friends aren’t forgotten. Get involved now!

8th March 2019
We’ve heard a lot this year from new schools across the UK keen to enter Shine 2019.
However we’re really keen that old friends aren’t forgotten. Get involved now!
7th March 2019
Every year, the Shine School Media Awards is held at Stationers’ Hall, the ancient home of publishing in the City of London.
You, our entrants, represent our future and hopefully will help drive our industries forward, despite all the challenges that invention continues to present us with. The Shine competition is not just about publishing – it is as much about literacy, creativity, business skills and teamwork.
18th February 2019
We often find that the Spring half term is a pivotal time for our competition entrants. Ideas have been formulated, plans made but sometimes things can fall by the wayside, particularly with the demands of everyday life.
This post comes as encouragement to press ahead.
30th January 2019
Yes – you heard right: you could win incredible prizes for yourself and your school… simply by entering relevant Media Studies coursework for Shine 2019!
15th January 2019
Happy New Year! I hope the holiday refreshed you all for the new term and an exciting 2019.
Our New Year’s resolution here at Shine is to make our competition categories and the entry form more inclusive, clear and user-friendly this year. With this in mind I’m excited to announce that we’ve have re-defined the following categories:
17th December 2018
It’s the week before Christmas, and everyone is looking forward to having some time at home with their families.
Whichever community we live in, this holiday is traditionally a time for people to get together and share their common values.